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2020: The year that was…

Idea Science CEO Peter Drum reflects on a year of massive change.

What a year it has been!

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic so early on, businesses across Australia and beyond have been pushed to break down the barriers that they had previously been managing around (or simply avoiding) and change their processes almost overnight. This has meant becoming more truly agile – instead of progressing slowly towards an agile model – and as a result the focus on digital transformation has become a talking point and rallying cry.

The effects on marketing trends have been obvious – organisations have had to take on a digital approach to garner attention for their products and services, and importantly in many cases the process of selling and delivering products and services has had to be completely digital, rather than the types of hybrid models that persisted before. The flow-on effect on technology was quickly made apparent too, with a focus on making big advances quickly and ‘doing more with less’ due to time and investment constraints.

Some of our most rewarding projects this year have also been the most successful. We’ve had some great triumphs in helping education, distribution and automotive businesses limit the negative impacts of the pandemic, and in some cases even grow new lines of business. That’s been rewarding – we always value our customers’ successes!

Another memorable part of the year was starting a new partnership. Our relationships with the local communities in which we work are something we really value, so it was exciting to join forces with the Seacliff SLSC in Adelaide. Community contribution with a great group of people – what’s not to like?

Seacliff SLSC members are overjoyed with their new surf boat, made possible thanks to an Idea Science partnership.

On the Idea Science front, perhaps our greatest external achievement of the year was to be recognised by our technology partner Tricentis as the Salesforce Transformation Partner of the Year. It’s been a great acknowledgement of our hard work, and combined with the arrival of Dave Melgaard to spearhead the growth of our testing practice we’re looking forward to helping more customers transform the way they test software.

Reflecting on the year overall, I think 2020 reinforced just how resilient we can all be and how much we can achieve if we get everyone aligned behind a program of change. There wasn’t just the pandemic of course: the groundswell of change in the wake of the bushfires last year, the momentum behind movements to arrest climate change, correct racial injustices, promote gender equality, and generally make the world a better place was a lesson on what can be achieved if we commit to it.

As we step into 2021, we’re looking to be more articulate about what we can offer our customers, the successes our customers have had, and sharing more thought leadership in areas beyond the commercial space.

Given our name it shouldn’t be a surprise that we see it as our role to help realise new ideas so next year, as always, we’ll try to punch above our weight and add value wherever we can. Until then, stay safe and enjoy the holiday season.

We look forward to seeing you in 2021.

Peter Drum, CEO Idea Science


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